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Inovink Ltd is committed to ensuring that our business is conducted to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards in the United Kingdom and wherever we conduct our business internationally.


Inovink endeavours to ensure that our stakeholders have confidence in the decision-making and management processes of the company and that the conduct and professionalism of Inovink’s people reflects a strong ethical standard we can be proud of. We achieve this by treating people, the law and our customers with integrity and respect supported by personal training and development.

All groups and individuals with whom Inovink has a business relationship will be treated in a fair, open and respectful manner. Feedback on our performance will be actively sought, and Inovink encourages customers to give feedback where comments are analysed, responded to and, where appropriate, acted upon.


Copies of our Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy and the Inovink Antitrust Policy are available upon request via our contact page.



 © 2024 Inovink Ltd

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